Module Content




Chronic Medical Conditions: Diabetes

Page 10 of 15    


Continued . . .


Here are some specific counseling points on the importance of disease maintenance and potential reproductive consequences of poorly controlled diabetes:


  1. Regular Exercise Program
  • The ADA recommends 150 min/week (spread over at least 3 days) of aerobic physical activity for all patients with diabetes.
  • For those with Type II DM, resistance training should be added.
  • If patient does not normally exercise, counsel as you would any diabetic—to be careful, self-monitoring before and after exercise, until patient learns her response to particular exercises.
  • See this section of the module.
    1. Tobacco / Alcohol / Drug Cessation
  • These agents pose risks to pregnancy outcomes on their own and additively complicate an already complicated diabetic pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy should be delayed until a drug-free pregnancy can be achieved.
    1. Accruing social support for help during the pregnancy