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Substance Abuse:  Alcohol  - Case Information

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From Social History:  . . .Her habits include “beer on the weekends with friends,” usually 5 or 6 (defines binge drinking). She smokes with friends, < ½ pack per week.


Would you know how to counsel Miss G regarding her use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs with respect to her future potential pregnancy?



Patient:  Miss Grainger 


Miss Grainger's History & Medications


Screen Miss Grainger for overuse of alcohol – make sure to use a questionnaire that assesses tolerance, such as TWEAK. Counsel her on the effects of alcohol on pregnancy and that many of these effects take place before a woman knows she’s pregnant.


Talk to Miss Grainger about her smoking habits – use the 5 A’s. Spend time going over the ways smoking negatively affects pregnancy as well as her overall health. Inform her that she will not be as able to use all available pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation once she has conceived but may use any during the preconception period.


Go over her contraception plan again, reminding her that pregnancy should be delayed until a drug-free pregnancy can be achieved.