
An expert resource for medical professionals
Provided FREE as a service to women’s health

The Alliance for
Global Women’s Medicine
A worldwide fellowship of health professionals working together to
promote, advocate for and enhance the Welfare of Women everywhere

The Global Library of Women’s Medicine
Clinical guidance and resources

A vast range of expert online resources. A FREE and entirely CHARITABLE site to support women’s healthcare professionals

The Global Academy of Women’s Medicine
Teaching, research and Diplomates Association

Abigail Bloomer 1970-2001

Abigail Bloomer is the daughter of Paula and David, the Publishers and sponsors of this site. She died of breast cancer at the age of 31 – and is greatly missed by them and by her devoted brother, James.

Abigail studied typography and graphic design – and later lighting design too – and worked in the family medical publishing business for a number of years. She was a talented designer with a real feel for typography and contributed visual style and grace to many medical textbooks. She also attended a number of medical conferences around the world and developed a special interest in the techniques of communicating patient information to women regardless of their literacy skills.

Abigail loved people; her life was filled with social activity and she valued her many friends greatly. She confronted her totally unexpected illness with true courage and constant cheerfulness and remained surrounded by her friends and positive to the end.

The Publishers recognise that this brief description will really only be of interest to Abigail's close family and friends – but they are grateful to have this opportunity of recording her life and expressing their gratitude to her.