
An expert resource for medical professionals
Provided FREE as a service to women’s health

The Alliance for
Global Women’s Medicine
A worldwide fellowship of health professionals working together to
promote, advocate for and enhance the Welfare of Women everywhere

The Global Library of Women’s Medicine
Clinical guidance and resources

A vast range of expert online resources. A FREE and entirely CHARITABLE site to support women’s healthcare professionals

The Global Academy of Women’s Medicine
Teaching, research and Diplomates Association


Coming soon
An advanced video learning course on

Nutrition in the periconceptional, pregnancy and postpartum periods

This is the first in a series of major new guides that provide comprehensive and expert guidance on key clinical issues in a video format. Leading experts in the field give very clear and well illustrated presentations describing their topics in careful and easy-to-comprehend detail. Each presentation is also accompanied by a short text summary of salient points.

The Welfare of Women (WoW) global health programme

View the new Topics currently being added – the full programme is due for completion by the end of 2025 -see

New textbooks in The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine series now being published:

Gynecological Endoscopy
Ultrasound in Obstetrics
Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist

Also, in the recent Volume on Maternal Immunization, look out for an importantly revised and updated chapter on Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Remember to look at some of the many other important features and resources that are now available on GLOWM
