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About The new Continuing Professional Development awards (CPDs)
from FIGO – The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

What are FIGO’s CPDs?

FIGO CPDs are a major new initiative from The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), to encourage continuing medical education and to provide reliable documentary evidence of an individual’s ongoing educational accomplishments in the field of women’s medicine. They do, therefore, offer evidence of a recipient’s professional focus and continuing study activity and provide a record which may be of additional value if shared with supervisors, colleagues or other relevant organisations.

Who can apply for FIGO’s CPDs?

FIGO CPDs are open to all health professionals working within obstetrics and gynaecology as well as all other members of the medical and allied professions focused on the improvement of women’s health and rights.

What are CPDs awarded for?

CPDs are awarded for evidence of worthwhile continuing study whether that be by attending a Congress, Symposium or webinar, or for the successful study of approved learning materials and each CPD credit is typically awarded for an hour’s worth of study – although this may vary somewhat depending on the circumstances.

How are CPDs awarded?

Medical professionals who fulfil the criteria above, either though attendance at an approved educational event or after successfully completing a study assignment (usually an online multiple choice questionnaire) are automatically emailed a Certificate documenting the number of CPDs that they have been awarded in regard to that activity.

What is a private CPD e-portfolio?

Recipients of CPD awards also receive online access to their own personal and private CPD e-portfolio which keeps on ongoing record of their accumulated CPDs – and which they can access at any time to verify the total of their awards as well as confirming the individual study accomplishments for which they were awarded.

What is the value of FIGOs CPDs

The main value of FIGOs CPDs is the provision of reliable evidence, that can be provided to anyone concerned, of an award recipient’s continuing medical study and achievement, as certified by an internationally respected organisation that is recognised as the global voice of women’s medicine – The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). In due course additional benefits, yet to be decided, may also accrue.

What is The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine series?

The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicne is an important publishing initiative by The Global Library of Women’s Medicine (GLOWM) to provide – entirely FREE – continuously updated and expert online guidance on most aspects of women’s healthcare. Its objective is to cover the whole field in some 50 separate online Volumes – and the first 15 online Volumes on Obstetrics have now just been published (other topics will be covered soon).

How does studying textbooks in this Series lead to the award of CPDs?

Each online textbook consists of about 10 separate chapters each of which is written by a different team of specialist authors. At the end of every chapter is an option for online study assessment that readers may choose to select if they wish. This consists of a number of, multiple choice questions (usually 4) about the content of the chapter that they are asked to answer. The questions are randomly selected and rotated every time they are attempted - and readers are given three attempts at any one time to answer them correctly.

How do you receive CPD award certificates

Successful completion of the study assessment leads automatically to the award of a CPD certificate that is delivered immediately by email. It also results, after the reader’s first award, in the creation of a private e-portfolio for the reader which is designed to provide a permanent and continuing record of all the reader’s CPDs.

In addition to the CPD award from FIGO readers also receive by email a Certificate of Study Completion from GLOWM which can be printed out as a physical record of the chapters studied.

How do you access your own award e-potfolio

A reader’s personal e-portfolio is automatically updated every time he/she is awarded further CPDs. Access to the e-portfolio is provided by a secure internet link that can be accessed only by the relevant reader and which he/she can continue to then access at any future time in order to provide evidence of all learning achievements and CPD awards.

Is the study and subsequent award of CPDs FREE?

Yes, readers have are charged no costs of any kind. The CPDs awarded by FIGO and all The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine volumes provided by GLOWM are all made available entirely free – as a contribution, by FIGO and GLOWM, to the enhancement of women’s medical care.

How can I view the Volumes in The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine series and study for CPD awards?

15 Volumes on OBSTETRICS are now available to study and for CPD awards – to read just CLICK HERE