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Name: Haider Jan

Affiliation: Senior Clinical Fellow in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Minimal Access Therapy Training Unit, Guildford, Surrey, UK

Chapters Contributed:

General Biographical Description: Dr Haider Jan is an obstetrician and gynaecologist working in London with a special interest in minimally invasive surgery and gynaecological ultrasound as well as obstetric emergency care. He has long been interested in teaching and training particularly using innovative advanced technologies and simulation techniques. He is part of the faculty of several national and internationally recognized courses in relation to maternal health, specifically obstetric emergency courses, as those teaching basic and advanced minimally invasive surgery. Being well versed in photography, videography and information technology, he has developed several training videos in obstetric surgery and set up the charity and website Maternity Training International. He is a passionate believer that a difference can be made globally in maternal health and working hard for universal safer motherhood.

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