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Name: Barbara L. Andersen

Affiliation: Professor Department of Psychology and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology The Ohio State University

Chapters Contributed: Psychological and Sexual Aspects of Gynecologic Cancer

General Biographical Description: Barbara L. Andersen is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Ohio State University and member of immunology and cancer prevention and control programs of the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center. She has authored three books and over 150 research articles on clinical psychology and behavioral medicine topics. Her research has been continuously funded since 1985, receiving grants from the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the Department of the Army to support her research on biobehavioral aspects of cancer. While at the University of Iowa she received the Distinguished Faculty Award in Teaching (1985) and the Distinguished Scholar Award in Research (1988). In 1995 she was one of 50 women scientists invited to the White House to attend a briefing on the Clinton Administration's initiatives in science and technology. Since moving to Ohio State University in 1989 she has received the Distinguished Scholar Award (2000) and the Distinguished Lecturer Award (2003). In 2003, she received the Senior Investigator Award for Outstanding Contributions in Health Psychology from the American Psychological Association. In 2004 she received a NIH/NCI (KO5) Research Career Award (Established Investigator Award in Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral, and Population Sciences), the Minton Hero of Hope Research Medal of Honor from the Ohio Division of the American Cancer Society, and was elected Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Special Interests: Biobehavioral aspects of cancer, sexuality and individual differences

Contact Address: Department of Psychology, 149 Psychology Building, 1835 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 USA Phone-614-292-4236