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JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc 2013 Oct-Dec;52(192):612-8

Effects of educational intervention among reproductive age group women on safe abortion

Silwal K, Shrestha T and Dulal RK


Introduction: Many reproductive aged women needlessly die due to unsafe abortion even when they seek help to terminate their unwanted pregnancy. These deaths could have been prevented had they been aware that safe abortion service was available to them. The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the education intervention in improving knowledge among reproductive age group women regarding the safe abortion.

Methods: An experimental intervention was carried out on safe abortion education among the reproductive age group women. The impact of pre- and post-intervention was evaluated by using a set of structured questionnaire in local language. The obtained data was analyzed by using the Excel and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 12.0 for windows and result was interpreted.

Results: The post intervention finding revealed a significantly higher (p = 0.001) mean on knowledge among participants about safe abortion compared to pre-observational test. The mean difference between the pre-test and post-test was 64.1% (pre-test 11.18 ± 12.88 post-test 75.28 ± 9.56). The research hypothesis was accepted with p value paired t-test at <0.001 (0.05). The result supports that the educational intervention was effective in increasing safe abortion awareness among reproductive aged group women.

Conclusions: The safe abortion educational intervention program was instrumental to improve reproductive age women's knowledge considerably about safe abortion service.

Comment: This good program in Nepal aims at educating women about the possibility of safe abortion: a relatively simple program, that saves many lives! (HMV)