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Ceska Gynekol. 2016 Dec;80(6):451-5.

Medical termination of pregnancy by mifepristone and misoprostol – evaluation of success rate, complications and satisfaction of patients

Frank K, Gerychová R, Jank? P, Huser M and Ventruba P


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the success rate and complications of medical termination of pregnancy up to 49 days of amenorrhea and present the outcome of our phone questionnaire of satisfaction of patients.

Design:Retrospective analysis

Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno

Method: The analysis of 111 patients, who underwent medical termination of pregnancy at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno from 1. 6. 2014 to 30. 6. 2015 using 600 mg of mifepristone (Mifegyne) and 400 μg of misoprostol (Mispregnol). In our set of patients we monitored subjective perception of medical termination of pregnancy (pain, nausea, vomiting, satisfaction with this method) and objective process (hospitalisation, surgical intervention). The view of patients was found out by the phone questionnaire.

Results: Complete abortion without a surgical intervention underwent 103 patients. Nausea, pelvic pain, and intensity of bleeding were evaluated as suitable. Only 1 patient (0.9%) was hospitalised for nausea and 1 patient (0.9%) was hospitalised in case of need for an emergency curretage and transfusions. Some kind of contraception after the medical termination of pregnancy started using 98.0% of women. The satisfaction rate of this method was high - 101 patients declared themselves satisfied - 66.7% very satisfied, 24.3% rather satisfied.

Conclusions: Medical termination of pregnancy has good efficiency, we consider it safe with minimum side-effects and is well evaluated by patients.

Comment:Although this article is a retrospective analysis, it shows that the combination of the anti-progestin mifepristone and the prostaglandin misoprostol is safe, effective and well tolerated. (HMV)