1. On inspection of the abdomen the following be easily identified:
a. The hair distribution
b. Polycystic ovaries
c. All sizes of uterine fibroids
d. Imperforate hymen
e. Pelvic mass of less than 12 weeks gestational size
2. On light palpation of the abdomen which of the following can be easily identified
a. Renal enlargement
b. A large abdominal mass
c. Mild splenomegaly
d. Hepato-jugular reflux
e. The diaphragm
3. It is possible to differentiate between an abdominal mass and a mass arising out of the pelvis. Which of the following techniques are helpful?
a. Fundal palpation
b. Pawlick's grip
c. Vaginal speculum examination
d. Bimanual pelvic examination
e. None of the above
4. Mid-cycle pain:
a. Is also known as dysmenorrhoea
b. Is also known as postpartum haemorrhage
c. May coincide with ovulation
d. May be caused by sexual intercourse
e. May be caused by unruptured ectopic pregnancy