Module Content



Lifestyle: Weight, Folate / Micronutrients, and Exercise                                             

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Weight Loss/Obesity Nutritional Information

  • ADA on Weight Loss & Exercise (Search Weight loss and Exercise)

  • AMA Healthier Life Steps - Healthy Eating (Search Healthier Life Steps)

  • USDA

  • My Pyramid for Moms

  • Resource for patient on weight loss

  • ACOG Pamphlets

  • Nutrition during Pregnancy (Search for Nutrition during Pregnancy, Pamphlet AP001)

  • Eating Right and Getting Fit (Search for Eating Right and Getting Fit Pamphlet AP064)


    Eating Disorders

  • NIMH Fact Sheet with Treatment Goals  



  • CDC: How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need?

  • US Department of Health and Human Services: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
