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Lifestyle: Weight, Folate / Micronutrients, and Exercise - Case Information

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Would you know how to counsel Miss Grainger regarding her weight, folate, and exercise status and how that affects her future potential pregnancy?



Patient:  Miss Grainger 


Miss Grainger's History & Medications


Miss Grainger is obese. She needs to be counseled on the threat her weight poses not only to her overall health but also to her future attempt at pregnancy. Refer her for lifestyle counseling and/or a structured weight loss program.


Because Miss Grainger is talking about becoming pregnant, advise her to begin taking a prenatal vitamin or a folate supplement as well as a diet of folate-rich foods– making sure she gets at least 0.4 mg of folate per day in order to reduce the chance of neural tube defects.


Ask Miss Grainger about her regular exercise, since she mentioned “not exercising enough.” Encourage her to make exercise a part of her daily routine before becoming pregnant. Not only will it help with her weight loss and glycemic control, it will also help improve her health to continue this exercise regimen as she becomes pregnant.