Module Content



Preconception Care Module: Purpose & Module Instructions


Module Purpose


The Undergraduate Medical Education Committee within the organization of the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics has included Preconception Care as one of 58 Educational Topics Areas that must be covered within the curriculum for medical students.  Among the 8 learning objectives included under the Preconception Care topic area, 6 are Priority 1 (i.e., students must learn and master) and 2 are Priority 2 (i.e., should be learned).

The module has been designed to address these learning objectives and to supplement any Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship curriculum. The module serves to better ensure the teaching/learning of preconception care in an evidence-based, interactive format. A pre- and post-test have been included for learners to measure their current knowledge of the topic then their acquired knowledge after working through the module. Additionally, this module will be beneficial to any medical student, resident, patient, and / or any individual who would like to learn more about preconception care.



Module Instructions


The entire module takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. You may work through the module linearly by clicking on the arrows located at the bottom of each screen or, you may select your own path by using the Module Content menu to the left.