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Introduction: Case Information                                                                        

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Let’s put preconception care in the context of a patient to provide greater understanding of this broad term.


Patient:  Miss Grainger


CC: quarterly checkup, mentions to the nurse that she’s thinking of getting pregnant.


HPI: Miss Grainger is a 35yo AA unit clerk on the surgery floor at City Hospital whom you follow for HTN and type II DM. She says that she like “her time is running out” to have a baby. She is now for the first time in several years in a monogamous relationship. She’s had diabetes for the last 10 years, and has gained 30 lbs in the last 2 years, which she attributes to “not enough exercise.” This puts her at a BMI of 38. Her HTN was diagnosed 5 years ago and has been fairly well controlled “when she remembers to take her medication.”

List of Miss Grainger's current medications.