Contraceptive Implant Procedures: Implanon®

Prepared for OBGYN residents
at the St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents

text resource Learning Objectives

text resource Disclaimer

text resource Technical Requirements

text resource Background on Implanon®

text resource Patient Consultation

text resource Insertion Procedure

text resource Instructional Videos

text resource Removal Procedure

text resource Practice Questions

text resource Author and License Information


text resource Practice Questions


Click on the options below to indicate the correct answer and to see the feedback for each option.

1. Implanon has how many rods?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

2. For how many years of contraception does Implanon last?
  1. One
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

3. Which of the following is/are characteristics of implants?
  1. Permanent method of contraception
  2. Do not interfere with sex
  3. Prevent pregnancy effectively
  4. B and C

4. What is the hormonal content of Implanon?
  1. Progestin-only (etonogestrel)
  2. Progestin-only (Levenogestrole)
  3. Combined estrogen and progestrone
  4. Estrogen-only

5. What is the mechanism action of Implanon?
  1. Ovulation inhibition
  2. Increased viscosity of cervical mucus
  3. Alters the endometrium
  4. All of the above

6. The anesthesia used for Implanon insertion is:
  1. Axillary block
  2. 5ml of 5% lidocaine applied just under the skin along the insertion area
  3. 1ml of 1% lidocaine applied just under the skin along the insertion area

7. When removing an Implanon applicator from its cover how should it be held?
  1. Horizontally, parallel to the ground
  2. The tip always up
  3. The tip always down

8. During Implanon insertion, on entry into the skin the tip of the needle should be:
  1. Slightly angled
  2. Perpendicular to the skin
  3. Parallel to the skin