Contraceptive Implant Procedures: Implanon®

Prepared for OBGYN residents
at the St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents

text resource Learning Objectives

text resource Disclaimer

text resource Technical Requirements

text resource Background on Implanon®

text resource Patient Consultation

text resource Insertion Procedure

text resource Instructional Videos

text resource Removal Procedure

text resource Practice Questions

text resource Author and License Information


text resource Technical Requirements

This entire programme will be played by your browser as if you were visiting a website on-line, but it can be also be fully accessed offline without connecting to the Internet.

The programme includes videos that require Adobe Flash Player. If you do not have it installed on your computer already, you can download the latest version of Adobe Flash for free at (generally a 2.0 - 8.0 MB download).